Voice Over Girl

Voice Over Girl
Where's the microphone?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

My husband now faces the surgery

How could this possibly be? I have concluded that my cancers were meant to be messages to people to take care of their health. To be mindful of your family's health hsitory, to not assume. My smoking, coffee drinking, white bread eating husband has a colon polyp that needs to be removed. It doesn't look cancerous the Doctor says-but it is soemthing one doesn't leave in their bodies as they can turn. Jeff got the colonoscopy a few months back after seeing the hell I went through while enduring chemotherapy. We know all too well what it did to me, our family, our son-so he went for it. The polyp was too big to be removed in the office...so tomorrow is the day. The same surgeon as mine, the same hospital. Why I thought I was a ball of health despite the rediculous amounts of cancer in my family is beyond me. So now Jeff goes...but he will be fine, I am sure. He has lungs of steele, eats horrible and his parents lived to much older years than mine....but I am nervous for him. Just entering that same hospital that I spent so many times in will be eery. It won't be fun. My life is surreal....why is this?
Thank goodness I can escape it all through the microphone...today I sent VO's out all over the USA and edited my students VO work we did here in the studio yesterday...it was good. Tomorrow I look forward to prepping for my internet show and look forward to Gods healing hands on Jeff.

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