Voice Over Girl

Voice Over Girl
Where's the microphone?

Friday, January 6, 2012

Today feels normal...Imagine that?

Normalcy...maybe I have it today. It's a choice. My day starts with the usual...Upon awakening I check in with my dreams...yes there were strange ones..me observing someone I can't understand. A Mom who is way out there according to my perception of life..but my conclusion sits well. I crunch my fingers and toes and the fingers don't feel quite as numb, the toes are unbearable...thank you damn stupid mean chemo! I throw in a quick prayer to God "You're healing my fingers, now please God, heal my feet and toes"...I jump out of bed to the unbearable pain of my feet hitting the floor-I go downstairs and turn on the computer in my home recording studio....Yes! a few voice overs and my music logs for my Internet radio show are there before my sleepy eyes...the day is good I think. I get Adam off to school, dealing with his grumpy ways, not wanting to deal with the immature kids on his campus once again...and prepare a bite to it while printing the scripts....Voice overs are done and a few words to type for the blog. The day feels normal...I will then meet up with an aspiring voice talent and discuss my journey and give him tips on how to go on his voice over journey..There is no reason to complain-I would be unappreciative if I did...and tomorrow I'll drop the $180 that I barely have and take a day long voice over class in San Francisco from one of the greats in the biz...Please God make this my BIG year...thank you for my life today, I guess I really am blessed.Imagine that.

1 comment:

  1. You are a real inspiration, friend, and " You " are one of the greats in the biz, as far as I am concerned.. Proud to know you.. I wear a " memorial" bracelet on my wrist, in memory of a Sgt. of mine who was killed in Viet Nam... I wear it for the reason that I won't forget him, but I really know I need no bracelet for that... I hope you are doing better and will completely beat this thing that you deal with with such courage.. and you have to know that we are all with you, though you bear the physical pain alone..... But if the worst should happen, .. I want you to know that when I look at my bracelet, I will think of you as well as my Sargent.. .. and if I had a bracelet or something that I could buy and wear, I surely would..I hope we will be writing for a long time, and when that stops, it will be because of me and my health , and not yours.. I am , after all, 71 years old.... Just know that , Good endings or bad endings, I will always think of you and remember you..
    Bob ( Mirproix )
