Voice Over Girl

Voice Over Girl
Where's the microphone?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Annual test is still a biggie

I am home and done! The annual colonoscopy. The finder of my colon cancer 2 years ago at this exact time. Anyone who has had a cancer diagnosis knows those annual tests stir up amazing thoughts. It was the weeks of procrastinating of making the dreaded appointment. Then picking up the dreaded solution to consume for a day. Everytime I would pass bythe huge plastic container with it's powder inside,;sitting on the shelf, I would curse it. The intermittant thoughts of "why should I do this every year?!" Then the realistic thoughts, "oh that's right I have a DNA gene, a syndrome, Lynch Syndrome, to be exact, that predisposes me to cancer. I have to".
Then it's lining up a ride. I didn't want to inconvenience anyone, afterall the Doctors office is 10 miles away...so I drove myself, but asked my dear brother Marty to pick me up when I was done with the procedure. I'd figure out how to get;my car back, that was the least of my worries today. I couldn't possibly have arrived exactly on time. Procrastination set in again. 5 minutes late---not bad. I text my friend Marcia and ask her to keep her fingers crossed for me. The nurses recognize me, because;I am their annual. I don my attractive surgery gown....and lay there and wait. I seemed more relaxed, yet it certainly crossed my mind..if they find a large polyp I'm not going through it all again. I kept thinking in 30 minutes the Surgeon will be at my bedside telling me the news. I was starting to realize what I will hear will dictate my day today. As they roll me into the procedure room, it all comes back....the machines beeping, the screens, the lights, the clip on my finger and the O2 mask over my nose. My only question was..."will you be giving me the same drug as last year? I don't want to feel a thing" I'm warned of the possible side effects, they insert the drug into my IV and I am out. As I lay in the recovery room I knew anytime the Doctor will stand next to me bedside and tell me the findings. There he was......"Everything looked great, I found nothing" High Five and right then Marty walked in to hear the news. His smile said it all. I am relieved. I am at home and ready to open the microphone, and move forward. There's no sense sitting around dwelling over it, I am clear and all is well. Thank you God for my life today!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Robert Hiller suggested we become friends, I have some health issues that he thinks you can relate to and help me make informed decisions.... What do you think?
    Patricia Hunt. you can friend me on fb if you like.
