As I mix up the solution with the 16 ounces of water I think over and over again..."wow who would've thought"...It is the annual CT scan to make sure that nasty Cancer is nowhere to be seen in my body.When I finished all the chemo treatments last year, 2 months afterwards I had the scan and I thought over and over again ..."it damn well better be gone out of my body after enduring that chemical for 6 months". The havoc that chemo does to a body is just insane. You go from one side effect to the next...dry lips, dry skin, hair falling out, eye lashes falling out, no appetite, weight loss, and extreme fatigue, just feeling like hell...They have to come up with a cure for this crazy disease.
So I will drink another 16 ounces before I leave the house then they put me in the tube....I've been in the tube before...I can't remember which time, the first scan after the diagnosis or the scan after treatment ended. I remember the machine turning on and me slowly being sent through with tears streaming down my face, dripping onto the table, all the while thinking "what the hell am I doing here for this?!" So it is my annual, and I have to make the 5 years and then I guess I am free...but in the back of my mind I remember I have that DNA gene that Stanford research found "Lynch Syndrome" that predisposes me to cancers.....but I won't let it win, not ever.
So it's time to get ready, and I will not only think of what is ahead for me this morning, but think of my sweet childhood friend Cartla who gets hooked up today for her first 5 hour infusion for her cancer and really think SHE is the one who needs prayer and support. She doesn't deserve this, nobody deserves Cancer, it is unnecessary and needs to be cured.
You and your friend are both in my thoughts and my prayers. May God be with you both and continue to give both of you the strength to get through all of this with the Grace of God. May God Bless you both! ~Penny