Voice Over Girl

Voice Over Girl
Where's the microphone?

Monday, December 5, 2011

The little gems from church

My faith increased significantly once I was diagnosed with cancer. I was determined to listen to the word every week for the strength I needed so badly. Although I must say after my 3rd radio blind side...I was floored emotionally and found myself questioning who the hell am I at that point in my life....and stumbled in on this local church for answers, after a strong Christian woman told me "You are not your job-you are more than that, God has big plans for you, maybe in the radio arena, maybe not"....So I walk into this church and they are performing Bachman Turner Overdrives "Taking Care of Business" I thought, what the hell is this? Only to find the message was....."one is more than their career job"...I couldn't believe it, but I became hooked. So now I go as often as I can and come home with the little hand outs with scribbles on it that were heard while sitting in the service. As I sit here at my desk ready to clean it off I find a pile of them, I rummage through my notes and see they are a great lead into my blog post today....loving this one:
"If you're still here, your mission on earth is not yet accomplished": holy crap, can anything be more true? The valleys he sends me through are for me to hang tough-to continue to believe he is there. It doesn't make sense, but it's the reality I have to deal with to get his lesson.My lesson.
"The Great Promise... Genesis 12:16-35: The days of uncertainty have been with us for thousands of years.Wanting my answers and directions more sooner than later, the story of my life again. There is that rascal God making me go through it to get the lesson!
"Like in a marriage, what kind of partner am I... to God?"
That is a wild way of looking at my relationship to faith. In a marriage if we seek to be peacemakers instead of troublemakers, things just seem to run more smooth. It applies to a relationship with God...when I fight the lesson, it all gets messier. The one who bickers is the one who suffers.So by honoring him first, maybe it all doesn't get as crazy. Devoted and faithful or distant and
hot and cold....not good ingredients for a relationship with anybody!
So for all of my friends who think I am blessed-they don't know my head is a mess! My story is not over...I will continue to collect these little gems from this one hour a week dose I get from church-it's really all I can do, and really makes sense to do. So, it's now off to the microphone to do what I am most passionate about and keeps me sane, my voice overs....thanks God for my life today!

1 comment:

  1. Very Well Said Trish. I look forward to going to Church on Sunday so I will be challenged each week to live my life a little better.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    Steve Brisentine
