Today was the CT Scan to see if all the cancer is out...As I laid myself down on the table about to be slowly moved into the XRay chamber I prayed. They took a number of pictures having me hold my breath as the images were taken. I then had a break and they then put iodine into my veins. My pelvis and insides became instantly warm...I slowly entered the chamber again. When I came back out I stared at the operatory ceiling again, and thought about my journey and how scary it was to be there today. It was then I felt the tears streaming down my face and dripping onto my neck. Iam almost done here, I hope to look back on this as a wake up call. But to have colonoscopies every year and paps every 3 months i will be faced with the anxiety again. God has been my companion through all of this, and my friends and family. Thank you God for my life today.
Oh by the way, I came home and cranked out 7 voice is my solace.
Way to to girlfriend! Praying for Clean & Clear results!!! Please God!!!