Voice Over Girl

Voice Over Girl
Where's the microphone?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Dear Friends

My radio colleague, Veronica, called me up and said "let me take you to lunch". We had the best gab session over food and I actually ate. She got so real with me..talking about raising kids and being careful about people and their motives, her spiritual journey with her son, and she just gave me the best time. It is all my friends who have been so supportive that I can move through this journey...the mind games I have talked about before can make it all a huge struggle..but little gestures like a lunch out show me people really do care about my diagnosis and hope I will get better...I will, I will look back on this as an incredible eye opener and will have such gratitude for great friends and family. So before I open up the mic and send out my auditions to my Agents and record clients commercials I can say today...thank you God for my life!

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